How to Use Profitability Ratios to Improve Financial Performance
What do profitability ratios measure, and how can they predict success? Learn about profitability ratios and how to grow your small business in this guide.
Chart of Accounts: Sample, Definition, and Guide
A well-designed chart of accounts is a cornerstone of financial management. Explore the layout, look at a sample chart of accounts, and get setup tips
The Accounting Cycle Explained: The Full 8-Step Process
Learn how the accounting cycle can keep your business’s financial records organized and accurate. Master the 8 steps for better control of your finances.
15 Innovative Ways to Improve Employee Engagement
Learn how to improve employee engagement with these 15 strategies. Get tips on how to engage employees, elevate team engagement, and boost success.
Understanding Billing Cycles: Definition, Process, and Duration
A billing cycle is the time period that passes between billing statements. Find out how these cycles work and how long they usually last.
The Top Financial KPIs To Monitor for Your Business
Financial KPIs provide vital insights into your business. Learn about net profit margin, debt-to-equity ratio, and other metrics, plus how to track them.
A Step-By-Step Guide to Efficient Invoice Processing
Master the art of invoice processing with this step-by-step guide. Learn what it is, why it matters, and how to overcome the most common challenges.
How To Write a Business Plan: A Step-By-Step Guide
Learn how to write a business plan to map out a clear path for your company so you and your investors know exactly where you are and where you’re headed.
What Are Pay Periods, and How Do They Work?
Paying employees is an important part of managing a business. And selecting the right pay period is key to helping employees budget and enhancing morale.